Created by Amelie Le Roux and Mario Faundez, Béton x Ciré specialize in updating the "Brittany Miki," a traditional sailor hat frequently worn by French fishermen and commandos. Halfway between a bonnet and a cap, this authentic collection is unisex and timeless. The hats are crafted in France and all the models are finished with a tightening leather belt at the back. Cotton canvas hat with tonal embroidery and adjustable leather tab at back.
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Béton Ciré 由 Amelie Le Roux 和 Mario Faundez 共同创立,专门致力于更新 “Brittany Miki”,这是法国渔民和突击队经常戴的传统水手帽。这个正宗的系列介于苏格兰帽子和鸭舌帽之间,是男女通用且永恒的。帽子是法国制造的,所有型号的背面都配有紧皮带。 选购Béton Ciré