In the summer of 1994, Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth, founded X-girl with her friend, Daisy von Furth. X-girl is considered as a pioneer of “Girl’s Movement” in the fashion industry, involving art and music. X-girl continues to offer “Real Girl’s Clothing”- basic style that are inspired by rock, military, outdoor, sports, and many other street culture factors.
X-girl X Nonagon collaboration.
1994年夏天,Sonic Youth的Kim Gordon与她的朋友Daisy von Furth创立了X-girl。 X-girl被认为是时尚界“女孩运动”的先驱,涉及艺术和音乐。 X-girl继续设计受摇滚,军事风,户外风,运动风和其他街头文化因素所启发的“真女孩服饰”(Real Girl's Clothing)。 选购X-Girl