

  • Western Hydrodynamic Research

  • Worker T-Shirt

  • 短袖

  • 罗纹圆领

  • 6.5 盎司棉质结构

  • 胸口及后方印有品牌标志

  • 右侧臀部附有WHR™ Paracord Utility Loop (PUL)

  • PUL可用于固定小物件或挂干

  • 直身下摆

  • 颜色:藏青

  • 材质:100%棉質

  • 更多 短袖T恤, T 恤服装

货品编号: 906778
  • 模特儿穿著M号
  • 模特儿的身高为188公分,胸围36吋/90公分,腰围32吋/83公分,臀围37吋/93公分
关于 Western Hydrodynamic Research

Western Hydrodynamic Research (WHR) was founded by surfer Pat Towersey in 2014. California is home to one of the most stunning and diverse coastlines in the world, and surfing takes on a whole new dimension. Such is WHR, the brand merges surfing, functionality, and sustainability into every piece of garment they make. Rooted in surfing culture, WHR's designs emanate the relaxed and adventurous spirit that floats around the community. At the same time, WHR is environmentally conscious and dedicated to ocean conservatism through upcycling and public education. WHR boasts a wide collection of caps and t-shirts that effortlessly ride you through the waves. 选购Western Hydrodynamic Research

