Founded in 1982, Stone Island is the symbol of rigorous research into fibers and textiles applied to innovative design. The Italian sportswear brand, under the Creative Direction of Carlo Rivetti, has developed an unique capacity to work on expertly finished garments via continuous experimentation with dyes and treatments. Stone Island has secured it's place in history as one of the world's premium sportswear brands.
这家总部位于意大利的奢华时装品牌由 Massimo Osti 于 1982 年创立,以其对产品研究和实验的远见卓识而备受推崇。其精致的设计、创新的材料和标志性的罗盘指南针贴布彰显其身份。 Stone Island 凭借其独特的面料、军装风格的剪裁、反光技术和独特的染色技术,堪称奢华男装蓝本。选购我们精选的Stone Island 标志性产品,例如 ECONYL® 再生尼龙外套衫、Crinkle Reps 外套、Ghost Piece 运动裤等。 选购Stone Island