Created by designer Masaaki Honma in 1997, Mastermind World, mixes street and luxury tastes. The punk-inspired graphics combined with beautiful detailing in precious raw materials like a diamond to give the collection a unique aesthetic. Mastermind’s iconic skull and crossbones logo emblazons T-shirts while jeans based on reworked classic Levis cuts are some of the most desirable there are.
Mastermind World由日本设计师Masaaki Homma于1997年创立,通过其标志性的骷髅头及交叉骨的徽标提升了品牌的辨识度,在整个服装上都印有此标志,包括外套,T恤,连帽衣等。品牌将街头服饰与高品质结合,品牌亦与adidas Originals,G-SHOCK,Stüssy,Moncler,Anti Social Social Club和THE NORTH FACE等品牌建立了非常成功的合作关系。 选购Mastermind World