Issue 1: The Synthesis Issue Placeholder Image
Hypebeast Magazine

Issue 1: The Synthesis Issue



From Hypebeast.com comes the much anticipated eponymous printed publication. A 200 page magazine that encompasses the very essence of Hypebeast, yet also forms as a platform that delves into and divulges the subjects featured throughout. Released quarterly throughout the year, each themed issue will offer rich interviews and in-depth features, as well as vivid shoots and photo-spreads that makes this magazine aesthetically engaging. Relevant to what is contemporary and pleasing in its simplistic layout design, the Hypebeast magazine is your source for understanding fashion, culture and lifestyle.

货品编号: 3162
关于 Hypebeast Magazine

Hypebeast.com 官方推出了备受期待的印刷书籍 —— 一本 200 页的同名杂志。杂志内涵盖了Hypebeast 的精髓之处,同时也是一个深入研究和揭示不同故事的平台。 Hypebeast 杂志每半年出版一次,每期的主题都将提供丰富的采访内容以及深入的专题报导。生动的拍摄方式以及图片的展示方法也促使这本杂志在美学上更具吸引力。 Hypebeast 杂志与当代事物互相紧扣,其简单的版面设计令人赏心悦目,更是让您了解时尚、文化和生活方式的来源。 选购Hypebeast Magazine

