Oversized Long Sleeve Shirt With Knit Patch Placeholder Image
Charles Jeffrey Loverboy

Oversized Long Sleeve Shirt With Knit Patch


  • Charles Jeffrey Loverboy

  • 过大尺码长袖衬衫,配有针织贴片

  • 条纹纯棉府绸布料

  • 钮扣封合设计

  • 胸前有针织贴袋

  • 钮扣袖口

  • 直身下摆款式

  • 颜色: 白/蓝

  • 材质:100%棉; 編織貼片: 100%棉

  • 更多 恤衫服装

货品编号: 934504
  • 模特儿穿著M号
  • 模特儿的身高为189公分,胸围31.5英寸/80公分,腰围27英寸/69公分,臀围34.3英寸/87公分
关于 Charles Jeffrey Loverboy

In 2015, Scottish designer and creative director Charles Jeffrey launched his eponymous label, Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY. From humble beginnings in Jeffrey's East London bedroom, LOVERBOY is now an international sensation with nominations and wins in numerous industry awards. Jeffrey's designs combine heritage with modernity, weaving traditional Scottish influences into London's queer nightclub scene. LOVERBOY's gender-fluid and magically dream-like designs speak profoundly to a new generation, and the brand has already been worn by celebrities such as Harry Styles, Tilda Swinton, and J-Hope of BTS, to name a few. 选购Charles Jeffrey Loverboy

