Issue 5: The Process Issue Placeholder Image
Hypebeast Magazine

Issue 5: The Process Issue



This edition of the HYPEBEAST Magazine takes a look at the art of creativity with its theme aptly titled "Process." Releasing for Fall/Winter 2013, the 5th issue looks at the journey our featured brands and names took to their current standing in our industry. Starting off with our Cover feature of Supreme, we look at how its founder James Jebbia, started what is now considered more culture than brand, with the issue following on with further looks at research and production with Louis Wong, David Obadia, James Jean, VERBAL & YOON and more. The issue also introduces our first 'Factory Visits' section that highlights the process of manufacturing, and includes styling shoots and product news for the seasons.

貨品編號: 109726
關於 Hypebeast Magazine

Hypebeast.com 官方推出了備受期待的印刷書籍 —— 一本 200 頁的同名雜誌。雜誌內涵蓋了Hypebeast 的精髓之處,同時也是一個深入研究和揭示不同故事的平台。Hypebeast 雜誌每半年出版一次,每期的主題都將提供豐富的採訪內容以及深入的專題報導。生動的拍攝方式以及圖片的展示方法也促使這本雜誌在美學上更具吸引力。Hypebeast 雜誌與當代事物互相緊扣,其簡單的版面設計令人賞心悅目,更是讓您了解時尚、文化和生活方式的來源。 選購Hypebeast Magazine

