Established in 2005 by J-League football teammates Nobuhiro Mori and Keiji Ishizuka, WACKO MARIA infuses casual menswear with influences from American music, film and art. The brand has since collaborated with artists from Weirdo Dave to Tsuyoshi Noguchii, cultivating a style that is both authentic and glamorous.
WACKO MARIA's 2016 spring/summer collection pays homage to iconic American silhouettes from bomber jackets to jerseys. These sunglasses are influenced by John Lennon's iconic frames, making evident the brand's musical leanings.
Approximate dimensions: Frame Height: 5 cm Frame Width: 14.5 cm
와코 마리아(Wacko Maria)는 2005년에 설립된 브랜드로 일상 속 경험에서 영감을 얻습니다. 음악, 영화, 예술에 영향을 받아 와코 마리아는 이러한 메세지를 자신이 만든 창조물에 담고, 이런 이상향을 고유한 독창성과 진실된 장인정신을 통해 표현합니다. Wacko Maria 상품 쇼핑
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