야디 모카신 로퍼 Placeholder Image

야디 모카신 로퍼

상품 설명

상세 설명
  • VINNY's

  • 야디 모카신 로퍼

  • 페니 로퍼

  • 스웨이드 모카신 어퍼

  • 슬립온

  • 라운드 토

  • 손으로 바느질한

  • 힐 부분 시그니처 각인

  • 대조적인 그린 가죽 안감

  • 고무 아웃솔

  • 색상: 더스티 로즈

  • 원산지: DK

  • 소재: 가죽, 고무

  • 캐주얼 신발신발 더 보기

아이템 ID: 904191
VINNY's 브랜드

Danish desginer Virgil Nicholas founded Vinny's in 2020 to imaginatively reinvent street culture with the past. The familiar and omnipresent hype sneaker has seemingly superseded the classic bygone era of loafers... until Vinny's. This renaissance started from a flash of nostalgia when Virgil flipped through family photos and found him and his in leather shoes, the only shoes he had worn to pieces. Virgil longed to unite the classic with the contemporary, and Vinny's loafers are designed to be just that; dress shoes that complete everyday looks, new "kicks" with a classical heritage. Unrivaled in vision and style, Vinny's loafers even exude the highest handmade quality from Portugal. VINNY's 상품 쇼핑

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