Issue 14: The Artisanal Issue Placeholder Image
Hypebeast Magazine

Issue 14: The Artisanal Issue

상품 설명

상세 설명

HYPEBEAST Magazine's "The Artisanal Issue" focuses on the concept of quality and all that it encompasses. Behind all well-made products are passionate individuals, devoted to their craft and determined to improve and progress. For our fourteenth issue we speak to a handpicked group of individuals we believe to be dedicated to their trade and the product they release to the world. We kick things off with John Mayer as the face of this issue. Unbeknownst to some, John is a collector of "artisanal" products including vintage guitars, luxury watches and of course, visvim clothing. Following this thread of craftsmanship, we feature renowned tattoo artist, Dr. Woo and famous celebrity photographer Terry Richardson both of whom have perfected their trade through time. Within the pages of this issue, we also feature two Japanese fashion figures known for their commitment to quality, Eiichiro Homma of nanamica and The North Face Purple Label and Ryo Kashiwazaki, founder of Hender Scheme. The issue also includes our visits to LQQK Studio in Brooklyn and Eames Chair manufacturer, Herman Miller in Michigan, to see the firsthand the workmanship that goes into creating hand-crafted product. We top off the issue with a number of other compelling stories of individuals and products that together fully portray the concept of "artisanal."

아이템 ID: 217203
Hypebeast Magazine 브랜드

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