With 10 Issues firmly behind us, we decided to approach our publication in a brand new light. For our 11th issue, we’re proud to present the HYPEBEAST Magazine in a completely revamped layout created by art and design office Number 04, as well as using a unique paper stock, thus offering a new reading experience. While the surface of the publication has its obvious changes, we have also approached each and every feature with more attention and geist, bringing a series of interviews, features and styling shoots that delve deeper into the subject’s frame of mind than ever before.
Our goal at HYPEBEAST is to dissect and explore our culture, only to reconstruct it back into a digestible media of information. With that, we’ve themed this issue around the act of restoration. Spearheading this issue is designer Rick Owens, followed by other leaders within fashion such as Nick Wooster, Hiroki Nakamura of visvim and Dr. Romanelli. The issue also includes in-depth stories from notable individuals and brands famous for their skills in the art of restoration.
Hypebeast.com에서 많은 사람들의 기대를 한 몸에 받은 출판물이 나왔습니다. Hypebeast의 본질을 담고 있는 200페이지의 이 매거진은 전반적으로 특집 주제를 파고들고 알리는 플랫폼 역할을 하고 있습니다. 연 2회 발행되는 이 매거진은 풍부한 인터뷰와 심층적인 특집뿐만 아니라 생생한 촬영과 사진 스프레드를 제공하여 미학적인 매력 또한 뿜어냅니다. 심플한 레이아웃 디자인에서 현대적이고 감각 있는 것들과 관련하여, Hypbeast 매거진은 패션, 문화 및 라이프스타일을 이해하는 데 도움을 주는 소스입니다. Hypebeast Magazine 상품 쇼핑
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