Architizer: The World's Best Architecture
Author: Architizer is the leading online resource for architecture. Through its vast building database, daily content, 'Source' marketplace, and A+Awards, it is revolutionizing the way architects connect with building-product manufacturers and the world beyond.
280 pages
The definitive collection of this year's most inspiring — and acclaimed — new buildings and spaces around the world
The Architizer A+Awards honor the year's most extraordinary architecture and building products from across the globe. The winners, a diverse group of established and emerging architects and designers, are carefully chosen by more than 400 international luminaries from fields such as fashion, publishing, product design, real estate development, and technology — and are also voted on by the public. Each year, the awards are celebrated in a fully-illustrated compendium and on, the largest online architecture community on the planet.
Published by Phaidon
ISBN: 9781838662714
Color: Green
Approximate measurement:
파이돈(Phaidon)은 1,500개 이상의 인쇄물을 보유한 크리에이티브 아트의 세계적인 최고의 출판사입니다. 1923년 비엔나에서 벨라 호로위츠(Bela Horovitz) 박사와 루드윅 골드샤이더(Ludwig Goldscheider)에 의해 설립되었으며 본사는 런던과 뉴욕에 있습니다. 파이돈은 세계에서 가장 영향력 있는 아티스트, 셰프, 작가 및 사상가들과 함께 예술, 사진, 디자인, 건축, 패션, 음식, 여행에 관한 혁신적인 책과 어린이을 위한 일러스트를 제작합니다. 슈프림 하드북을 포함한 주목받는 출판물을 여기 HBX에서 둘러보세요. Phaidon 상품 쇼핑
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