Sunday Hoops + Earcuffs Set
MISHO's Sunday hoops combine a laid-back lounge mood with a chic statement look
Versatile, lightweight and easy to pair with
Butterfly fastening
Suitable for pierced ears
22K gold plated finish
Dimensions: 3cm diameter (Sunday Hoops)
Sunday Hoops and earcuffs can be wore separately
Color: Gold
Approximate measurement:
俐落線條、建築式樣和簡潔的幾何圖形,都讓Misho的珠寶顯得別樹一格。每件經過雕琢的飾物轉身化爲一棟棟現代建築,裝點你那獨一無二的身體。帶領Misho的創意總監 Suhani Parekh曾在倫敦大學金匠學院修讀美術和藝術史,其創作主要爲雕塑和裝置藝術。她創作的靈感主要來自她與當代藝術的交流體會,以及她曾經旅居的不同城市建築特色,而這種種想法積累起來便成了品牌的亮眼之作。 選購Misho