At the beginning of the 20th Century, Converse created the iconic “All Star” canvas sneakers. Influential basketball player Chuck Taylor introduced Converse to the world adding their trademark of his signature on either side of the star-centred patch that reinforces the shoe’s ankle. Their impressively versatile rubber-soled shoe receive constant updates each season with fresh colourways and prints for everyday wear.
Golf Le Fleur X Converse Collaboration.
Converse 標誌性的 All-Star 運動鞋可說是無人不知,歸功於籃球員 Chuck Taylor 將其魅力展現人前。1909年 Marquis Mills 創立品牌,成就我們今天熟知的 Chuck 70s、One Star 和 Jack Purcell 等標誌性鞋款。經典的 Chuck Taylor All-Star 更有高筒和低筒兩種款式,每季花色百出,材質百變,款式任君選擇,是穿搭的必備單品。Converse 亦有和好些知名品牌合作,像是 Off-White™ c/o Virgil Abloh、JW Anderson、Dover Street Market 、Coca-Cola、Miley Cyrus 等,出品往往讓你驚喜連連。 選購Converse