Inspired by internet trends and online culture, Fuck Art, Make Tees is a young French label that focuses on minimalistic details and bold designs. With products ranging from caps to oversized hoodies, F.A,M.T has been able to master the art of simplicity, while still declaring brave statements with their signature white font, differentiating themselves from the rest.
Fuck Art,Make Tees是一家法國品牌,從互聯網趨勢和在線文化中汲取靈感,並專注於個性化服裝,其中包括採用簡潔的白色字體的粗體。 F.A.M.T憑藉超大的帽衫,圓領和T恤等產品成功地掌握了簡單的藝術,並受到JAY-Z,Willow Smith和Lil Uzi Vert等人的青睞。 選購Fuck Art, Make Tees