Carhartt Work In Progress (WIP) represents the forward-thinking way of living that still encompasses the classic aesthetics of the iconic brand. 100% polyester duck canvas messenger bag with adjustable strap, dual buckle closure and square label. Available now in camo mitchell or cypress panther print.
Height: 12.2" (31cm) Width: 18.5" (47 cm) Depth: 7.4" (19 cm)
Carhartt Work In Progress (Carhartt WIP) 由 Hamilton Carhartt 在底特律創立,於 1889 年開始生產連身工裝服服。品牌從 Carhartt legacy 蛻變而成,產品既保留自家獨有的經典美學,又展現出前衛的生活態度。Carhartt WIP 的重磅外套、雙層工作褲和百搭羅紋毛帽均可在 HBX 找到。 選購Carhartt Work In Progress