The contemporary arm of the German-born and Barcelona-based designer's brand, 11 by Boris Bidjan Saberi's experimental basics fuse the avant-garde cuts and fabrics of the main line with the street and skate influences that underpin its darkly urban aesthetic. Their products are polished season after season, paying accurate attention to every detail to reach the highest standards obtainable.
充滿現代前衛風格的服裝品牌11 by Boris Bidjan Saberi,其設計師多樣化的成長背景(德國出生,並在巴塞羅那生活)啟發了他對布料及素材作出實驗性質的設計。該品牌受街頭風格及滑板文化所影響,並旨在呈現出黑暗的城市美學。他們的產品都經過長期的拋光處理,對每個細節都進行了精確的研究,以達到目標的最高標準。 選購11 By Boris Bidjan Saberi