Issue 9: The Exploration Issue Placeholder Image
Hypebeast Magazine

Issue 9: The Exploration Issue

상품 설명

상세 설명

HYPEBEAST Magazine's "The Exploration Issue" turns to the great outdoors to discover the inspirations and landscapes surrounding many of the leading technical and innovative names in fashion. Our print title's ninth issue serves as a guide and exploration into the brands and designers in these fields, as well as the the specific products, that make outdoor living closer to home. Spearheading "The Exploration Issue" is Errolson Hugh of ACRONYM® – and more recently his involvement in the resurgence of Nike’s ACG line – who offers exclusive insight into his methods and philosophy behind creating apparel perfect for all occasions. Hiroshi Fujiwara also features in a compelling article on his passion for snowboarding and his involvement with one of the sport’s leading brands, Burton, while our magazine team explores The North Face’s headquarters. Also included are interviews, guides and product reviews on some of the best elements of the outdoor lifestyle, offering a comprehensive look at the practical nature of this way of living and how its influence can be seen across all forms of creativity, from photography and sports to fashion and product design.

아이템 ID: 200419
Hypebeast Magazine 브랜드

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