P.A.M. X Suicoke Walk To Me Sandals Placeholder Image

P.A.M. X Suicoke Walk To Me Sandals



"SUICOKE is a cult Japanese brand which originally made its mark with small accessories such as hand painted 'Matryoshka Dolls'. With complete creative freedom and a fresh direction, SUICOKE has become known for its wide selection of performance sandals, including collaborations with the likes of Norse Projects and Bal. Sandals with neoprene panels and adjustable nylon straps, molded Vibram footbed, woven logo and Vibram Morflex soles."

P.A.M. X Suicoke collaboration. Walk to Me Sandal combines the classic Suicoke silohette with bow detailing to create a style reimagined by planet P.A.M. Gaining new “PERSPECTIVE”, this is a sandal reborn for the city streets, and its rolling elevation. Just as the planets are always active, always moving, as are we; the inhabitants of the universe, walking alongside.

  • EVA made Suicoke footbed
  • Neoprene padding
  • Original Vibram soles
  • Metal hardware
  • Nylon ribbon detailing
  • Fully detachable ankle strap
  • Unique P.A.M. custom snap button at the base of the ankle
  • Stacked platform heels with an added wedge
  • カテゴリー:サンダルシューズ
アイテム ID: 239650
Suicoke について

SUICOKE(スイコック)は、手描きの「マトリョーシカ人形」などの小物で注目を集めた日本のカルトブランドです。自由な発想と斬新な方向性で、Norse ProjectsやBalなどとのコラボレーションを含め、幅広いセレクションのパフォーマンスサンダルで知られるようになりました。ネオプレン製のパネルと調節可能なナイロン製のストラップ、成型されたVibram社製のフットベッド、織り込みのロゴ、Vibram社製のMorflexソールを備えたサンダルです。 Suicokeを見る


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