Architizer: The World's Best Architecture
Author: Architizer is the leading online resource for architecture. Through its vast building database, daily content, 'Source' marketplace, and A+Awards, it is revolutionizing the way architects connect with building-product manufacturers and the world beyond.
280 pages
The definitive collection of this year's most inspiring — and acclaimed — new buildings and spaces around the world
The Architizer A+Awards honor the year's most extraordinary architecture and building products from across the globe. The winners, a diverse group of established and emerging architects and designers, are carefully chosen by more than 400 international luminaries from fields such as fashion, publishing, product design, real estate development, and technology — and are also voted on by the public. Each year, the awards are celebrated in a fully-illustrated compendium and on, the largest online architecture community on the planet.
Published by Phaidon
ISBN: 9781838662714
Color: Green
Approximate measurement:
Phaidon(ファイドン)は、クリエイティブアートを扱う世界的な出版社で、1,500以上の作品を出版しています。 1923年にDr. Bela HorovitzとLudwig Goldscheiderによってウィーンに設立され、ロンドン、ニューヨークに本社を置いています。Phaidonは、世界で最も影響力のあるアーティスト、シェフ、作家、思想家と協力し、アート、写真、デザイン、建築、ファッション、食、旅行、子供向けの絵本など、革新的な作品を出版しています。注目すべきものSupremeハードカバーなど、今HBXで発売中です。 Phaidonを見る
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