Shorthand Hat Placeholder Image
NSFW Clothing

Shorthand Hat



‘N.S.F.W.,’ or ‘Not Safe For Work’, was internet code for memes, GIFs and content not appropriate for the work environment. As an ode, meme-sharing platform 9gag looks to infuse conceptually rich, layered graphics into classic streetwear staples birthing apparel-imprint NSFW. The label’s refined yet unpretentious sensibilities come to the fore through their interpretations of t-shirts, sweaters, bags, hats, and jackets.

Step your hat game up with a N.S.F.W. logo cap. Never have enough headgear for your casual laid back outfits.

アイテム ID: 226047

Approximate dimensions:

  • Brim Width: 7cm
  • Crown Height: 12cm
  • Circumference: 60cm

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