norda 005 Placeholder Image

norda 005



  • 005

  • 重量比で鋼よりも15倍強い素材である軽量なバイオベースのDyneemaアッパー

  • Dyneemaレースを使用したレースアップ開閉

  • パンチング加工されたマイクロスエードのタン

  • 優れた反応性とサポートを提供する100%のArnitelフォームクッショニング

  • 新しいラバーコンパウンドであるVibramのMegagrip Eliteアウトソール

  • カラー:NÉVÉ

  • 素材:ダイニーマ、ラバー

  • カテゴリー:スニーカーシューズ

アイテム ID: 934105
NORDA について

Norda was founded with one clear goal: to make the best trail running shoes the world has ever seen. Founders Nick and Willamina Martire are extreme-endurance athletes, and they feel no shoe on the market could match their extremity. The pair sought out to create the shoe that could last forever, after teaming up with designer Louis-Martin Tremblay and brand development Gerard Cleal, norda's first shoe, the 001 was born. The best running shoe uses the best materials, and the 001 is crafted from an indestructible woven fabric, that is as durable as it is light. Every detail is given the most human attention to engineer the perfect combination of fit, comfort, grip, and weight. At norda, performance and sustainability are intricably linked, because a durable and strong shoe is a sustainable one. With norda, you'll have the undisputed running shoe king. NORDAを見る


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