Fashion History From The 18th To The 20th Century
Author: Akiko Fukai (Director and Curator Emeritus of the Kyoto Costume Institute), Tamami Suoh (Curator of The Kyoto Costume Institute), Miki Iwagami (Lecturer of fashion history at Bunka Gakuen University, Tokyo), Reiko Koga (former professor of fashion history at Bunka Gakuen University, Tokyo), and Rie Nii (Curator of The Kyoto Costume Institute).
632 pages
Showcasing the Kyoto Costume Institute's vast collection, Fashion History is a fascinating excursion through clothing trends from the 18th to the 20th century. Featuring impeccable photography of clothing expertly displayed and arranged on custom-made mannequins, it is a testimony to attire as “an essential manifestation of our very being” and to the Institute’s passion for fashion as a complex and intricate art form.
Published by Taschen
ISBN: 978-3-8365-7791-5
Color: N/A
Approximate measurement:
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