At the beginning of the 20th Century, Converse created the iconic “All Star” canvas sneakers that has become a genre defining item. Their impressively versatile rubber-soled shoe receive constant updates each season with fresh colourways and prints for everyday wear.
The Converse One Star Plush Suede is a part of Converse's Counter Climate Collection. It decks out the iconic and versatile profile in plush, water-repellent suede for a comfortable and timeless look.
Converse 標誌性的 All-Star 運動鞋可說是無人不知,歸功於籃球員 Chuck Taylor 將其魅力展現人前。1909年 Marquis Mills 創立品牌,成就我們今天熟知的 Chuck 70s、One Star 和 Jack Purcell 等標誌性鞋款。經典的 Chuck Taylor All-Star 更有高筒和低筒兩種款式,每季花色百出,材質百變,款式任君選擇,是穿搭的必備單品。Converse 亦有和好些知名品牌合作,像是 Off-White™ c/o Virgil Abloh、JW Anderson、Dover Street Market 、Coca-Cola、Miley Cyrus 等,出品往往讓你驚喜連連。 選購Converse