Snow Peak began in 1958, when founder Yukio Yamai -- an accomplished mountaineer -- created his own line of superior outdoors gear out of his dissatisfaction with available products. Today, the brand continues to create products that inspire people to enjoy the outdoors and manufactures each of them with the highest quality standards. Wool/acrylic fingerless gloves with button mitten flap. Available now in brown or grey.
由經驗豐富的登山者Yukio Yamai於1958年創立,Snow Peak是一個日本戶外裝備品牌。Snow Peak的使命是通過其傳統的裝備和衣服在自然界中創造恢復性的體驗, 這個歷史悠久的品牌已從功能性露營裝備演變為時尚既耐用的戶外服裝。 Snow Peak優先考慮簡約和優雅的細節,以避免對自然美景產生干擾,以其實用而時尚的外套方法而聞名。 選購Snow Peak