Advisory Board Crystals functions as the contemporary iteration of a crystal shop inspired by the needs of the modern human with the desire to utilize the incredible properties of crystals as an integral addition to the art of daily life.
Approximate dimensions:
Advisory Board Crystals(或 Abc.)於 2015 年由 Remington Guest 和 Heather Haber 夫婦創立。與品牌名稱不同, Abc. 並不銷售水晶。反之,水晶啟發 Abc. 更深入地尋求時尚昇華,締造知識性話語並實現個人探索。源於洛杉磯的 Abc. 從各種時代的服裝和配件中汲取靈感,專注於將變幻莫測的現在與過去的智慧無縫融合。 選購Advisory Board Crystals