Bob Crewe: Sight and Sound: Compositions in Art and Music
The first book to explore the extraordinary musical life and remarkable paintings of one of America's greatest ever songwriters. Best known for having written and produced some of the seminal records of American popular culture--from 'Big Girls Don't Cry' for the Four Seasons to 'Silence is Golden' for the Tremeloes and 'Lady Marmalade' for LaBelle--Bob Crewe was a multifaceted artist for whom a passion for painting and the visual arts provided a lifelong counterbalance to music.
Author: Donald Albrecht and Jessica May and Andrew Loog Oldham and Peter Plagens
Publish Date: March 23, 2021
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 256
ISBN: 978-0-8478-6979-4
Approximate measurement:
Rizzoli(リッツォーリ)はニューヨークに本社を置く出版社で、アート、ファッション、写真、ポップカルチャーなど、幅広い分野の美しいイラスト本を出版している。1974年以来 Rizzoli は、その美的感覚と情報満載の蔵書で、何千もの本棚やコーヒーテーブルを彩ってきました。 Rizzoliを見る
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